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Recognize & Understand

Understanding the risks that a business or individual is exposed to due to climate change is the first step in anyone's sustainability journey. By better understanding the importance of climate change and the risks it poses to your company, you can cut costs, grow your company at a more robust capacity while seizing new opportunities in your operations and supply chains.


What is Sustainability?

Good Earth defines sustainability as wellbeing for people and the planet; and taking responsibility for a company’s total impact on communities and the environment, to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.


It is important to commit to sustainability with accountability, transparency, and actionability while understanding the people, planet, and profit triple bottom line model to create business strategies to lower and mitigate risks.

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Without transparency, sustainability is practically meaningless. Transparency calls on companies & organizations to share insights into the impact their products or services may have on the environment, community, and clients. All of this includes what the products or services contain, how they are sourced, created, and or designed. Being transparent builds trust, especially with the newer generations Y & Z.


Actionability means to walk the talk. A company, organization, or individual that wants to be sustainable and drive their sustainability journey needs to act now, not just inform that they plan on doing so. Regarding any of the decisions, products, services, and policies that companies or individuals undertake, it is essential to show that progress is being made towards the SDG's. Time is not on our side; thus, we must act now.

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When measuring accountability, we need to consider and understand who is accountable to whom, what exactly they are accountable for, what ways they are accountable, and what the consequences are or would be. Being accountable can help solve the "crisis of trust" which can be done by measuring and evaluating how sustainable you are through rigorous accreditation programs or audits to become sustainably certified.

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Step-by-step process of Sustainability

What are the Sustainable Development Goals?

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice. The 17 Goals are all interconnected, and in order to leave no one behind, it is important that we achieve them all by 2030.


Impact of the SDG framework


  • The SDGs provide a relevant framework for directors to measure and report environmental and social impact.

  • The private sector should contribute to the SDGs, report on various impacts, and monitor their impact.

  • Investors collectively are encouraged to increase positive outcomes, decrease negative outcomes and measure collective progress.

  • SDG-related impact assessments and framework can help to:

    • Evaluate and modify investment strategies.​

    • Effectivly communicate and disclose the commitment to sustainable development.

    • Align internal processes, practices and decision making within an organization.

    • Empower citizens, entrepreneurs, leaders, employees and activists to all come together under a common language for sustainable implementation.



To see all the SDG's one by one and their indicators: 

The effect of climate change is the most urgent issue of our time, and the first step to understanding why you should undertake your sustainability journey. Companies operating their businesses in a safe, sustainable, and socially responsible manner is the biggest challenge. 


 Climate change has increased:


  • Biodiversity crisis

  • Environmental devastation

  • Loss of species

  • Lack of trust

  • Widening inequality

  • Economic damage

  • Virus & pandemics

  • And much more


We can only reverse or slow the progression if we act right now to advance sustainability and regeneration while adhering to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Organizations and companies need to amplify their efforts to reach scale at speed. By better understanding the importance of climate change and the risks it poses to your company, you can cut costs, grow your company at a more robust capacity while seizing new opportunities in your operations and supply chains.


Learn more about carbon mitigation and reduction:

Understand climate change, understand Sustainability

What can you do as a(n)...

3 Sustainability goals to get you started:


Goal 1

Support the Global SDG's

Goal 2

Aim to be carbon neutral or positive


Goal 3

Create standard operating procedures to manage risk, build resilience, factor in adaptation and recovery responses, and communicate to all stakeholders with accountability and transparency



If you have any questions or need further support, we would be more than happy to consult with you. We are here to guide you as much as we can to transform you or your business into a force for good!

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