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Become A Contributor

Good Earth Solutions selectively accepts outside contributions from professionals concerned about sustainability and the future of our planet. Here’s a little bit about how that works.

What we look for

Articles submitted for consideration should be of interest to readers of Good Earth, have a tone that is appropriate for Good Earth. We like articles that introduce new ideas and advance conversations around topics and trends that engage our readers—think op-ed rather than content marketing. We appreciate lively, polished writing that balances research or news with fun and memorable anecdotes or examples that help illustrate your point of view.

While we encourage drawing from your own experiences in business to support your ideas, over-the-top self-promotion (of yourself or your company) will prevent us from publishing your article. The same goes for dense jargon and abstract, blanket assertions.

Please no pitches, abstracts, outlines, press releases, or interview offers.

Good Earth prefers submissions from contributors who are leaders in and knowledgeable about Sustainability and Tourism especially if there’s a noticeable takeaway for other professionals.

How to submit

Submitted articles should generally be between 300 and 900 words. We cannot offer to pay for contributed stories, but if they’re engaging to read and useful to our audience, we will energetically promote them, just like any other story that runs on our site.

Send via email complete articles only to for review by the editorial team. Please no pitches, abstracts, outlines, press releases, or interview offers.

What to expect if we accept

Submissions are reviewed once a week, and the process is selective. We will get back to you once the article has been assessed. Following up will not speed our review or improve the likelihood of a story’s acceptance. We’re unable to give feedback about why a submission may not have been selected for publication.

For stories we do choose to publish:

  • All articles are subject to editing.

  • Headlines and subheads are subject to change.

  • Content may be edited for style, tone, or substance.

  • Links may be added for context.

  • Art will be added at the discretion of Good Earth’s staff.

  • Articles may or may not be promoted across Good Earth's alliance members, on our home page, in our newsletters, and via our social feeds.

  • Good Earth may permit a select number of partner outlets to syndicate contributed articles that we’ve published originally.

  • Good Earth requests that contributed articles remain exclusive to our site for three to five business days, after which time they may be reprinted in part or in full on other sites, with a link back to the original article on Good Earth.


Please submit your article here.
We’re looking forward to receiving your submission!

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