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Environmental & Social Policy

We at Good Earth have become conscious of the worsening climate emergencies in the last decade and the need to commit to sustainability with accountability, transparency, actionability and consider the People, Planet, Profit triple bottom line model to create business plan strategies to lower and mitigate risks. 


While many ‘talk the sustainability talk’ few have truly made rigorous sustainability with full accountability and transparency a priority in their operations. Good Earth wants to see organizations work with a purpose that is accountable and transparent around sustainability and that they take responsibility for their total impacts on communities and the environment. We also want to inform young leaders and students about the importance of sustainability, as they are our future.


At Good Earth, we want to walk the talk on sustainability and we do this by working with our alliance member itmustbeNOW to transform higher education and young business leaders to be a force for good, for people, and for the planet. 


1) Commitment and Policy

At Good Earth, we are committed to reducing and preventing the negative environmental, social and cultural impacts associated with our activities, products and services. We are committed to enriching local communities and protecting the planet for future generations. By informing and educating our future leaders, collaborators and other stakeholders, we set the stage to protect our surrounding ecosystems and contribute to the continuous improvement of our planet. We are continuously improving our operating practices to reduce our ecological footprint and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. 


2) Benchmarking and Performance

You can’t manage what you don’t measure. We are committed to continually improving our environmental and social sustainability performance by benchmarking and evaluating ourselves. 


3) Governance

Governance addresses the requirements of our regulatory compliance. Good Earth assesses all actual and potential environmental, social and cultural risks in relation to our scope through a risk assessment and record our regulatory requirements. When undergoing any risk assessments, we find it essential to consider the views of the stakeholders involved or potentially involved. 


4) Sustainability and Energy Approach

Good Earth takes a holistic sustainability approach in our operations. The Good Earth team has created a sustainability action plan to manage and improve our overall environmental and social performance.


5) Communication

Proper and clear communication of our sustainability goals, objectives, and plans is essential for effective stakeholder engagement. Communicating with our stakeholders ensures that they are aware of their role and how they can positively contribute to Good Earth's sustainability goals.


NOTE: We at Good Earth continuously invite staff, guests, clients, and the community to suggest ways to achieve best practice environmental and social sustainability further. This policy will be reviewed annually.


We would appreciate any feedback or comments you may have regarding the Policy. Please see the Policy in PDF format below for download.




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