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The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice. 


Sustainable Development Goals


SDG 1:

The Standards require that the organization have a policy to hire local employees, purchase local goods and services, sell local products through their operations, promote social mobility through training and capacity building, and to provide all employees a living wage.


SDG 2:

The Standards require that the organization hire local employees, purchase local goods and services, and to label locally sourced food on menus are encouraged, improving the food security of those in the surrounding areas. Waste reduction strategies are mandatory and food donation schemes are encouraged.


SDG 3:

The Standards require that the organization have a commitment to ethical and non-exploitative arrangements with the staff, suppliers, and clients and there is no sexual commercial exploitation of minors. Sustainably sourced fresh local produce is encouraged to be purchased and used on the menu where applicable.


SDG 4:

The Standards require that the organization have education programs for staff, and stakeholder and community consultation. Education programs with guests are also encouraged which promote environmental and ecological improvements and potential impacts and social and cultural awareness.


SDG 5:

The Standards require that the organization have equitable hiring of women and to understand the rights and needs of all employees regardless of minority status or vulnerability, including women.


SDG 6:

The Standards require that the organization make continuous improvements to ensure sustainable water usage and consumption. Potable water sources are required to be from a sustainable source. Management of freshwater resources area required which covers conservation, maintenance, collection, and recycling of water and stormwater management.


SDG 7:

The Standards require that the organization have data collection on energy consumption. The organization must have a sustainable energy supply and commitment to the reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Energy efficiency and carbon offset programs are encouraged along with the purchase of ‘green’ electricity.


SDG 8:

The Standards require that the organization implement a policy to ensure labor arrangements, employment terms and conditions, and business practices are ethical and not exploitative. Employment of locals must be prioritized for all positions including management. Organizations are encouraged to promote and sell local artisan crafts and other goods and services.


SDG 9:

The Standards encourage that the organization develops innovative and resilient infrastructure with sustainable building design, building materials use, and inclusive infrastructure that supports community needs.


SDG 10:

The Standards require that the organization manage the social and cultural impacts of its operations as well as actively support initiatives for social and community development including, among others, education, health, and sanitation. Equitable hiring of women and local minorities and legal protection of employees is respected, and all employees are paid a living wage.


SDG 11:

The Standards require that the organization help create cities and human settlements that are inclusive safe, resilient, and sustainable by focusing on environmental, social, and cultural elements. Stakeholder engagement and communications are encouraged. Community initiatives are encouraged including cultural engagement and awareness.


SDG 12:

The Standards require that the organization implement energy efficiency, conservation, and management, freshwater management, wastewater management, waste management plan in order to minimize the consumption and production of excess energy, water, and resources (waste), to avoid an adverse environmental impact. 


SDG 13:

The Standards require that the organization monitor and measure their energy consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Standards must demonstrate implementation of regenerative design principles which enhance local ecosystem health, minimize consumption and adopt renewable energy technology where viable.


SDG 14:

The Standards require that the organization establish the efficient use of freshwater supply and minimize the consumption of freshwater resources. Stormwater management is mandatory to avoid contamination, erosion and siltation and maintain catchment integrity. Solid waste management and wastewater management should be implemented. 


SDG 15:

The Standards require that the organization support habitat conservation through a land use planning and management plan. Organizations must comply with all land’s rights, property acquisition, local zoning and protected or heritage area requirements and have a regard for cultural and heritage considerations.


SDG 16:

The Standards encourage the organization to communicate with all key stakeholders, including local communities, suppliers and guests in regard to their efforts in Sustainable Development. Communication promotes inclusiveness and holds organizations accountable for their intentions and actions at all levels.


SDG 17:

The Standards encourage that the organization strengthens their partnerships with other groups developing and promoting sustainable implementation.

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