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5 Things You Can

Do As A Business

Step 1: Identify Opportunities 

First, identify the business opportunities represented by the Global Goals, then hold an exec management meeting to articulate your strategy and get the board on…board.

Step 2: Define & Assess

Wondering how you measure up? Use the SDG Action Manager to assess your impact and identify the top risks and opportunities. Use this to define your priorities and set clear goals and targets.

Step 3: Inform Stakeholders

Make sure your employees know about your mission to be a force for good in the world. Don’t keep the goals locked in the sustainability team, let them loose! This employee guide to the Goals is a great example of how to start.

Step 4: Report & Disclose

Show your customers how you are contributing by including Global Goals icons and branding on your website, communications materials, social media announcements etc. Link your sustainability announcements to the corresponding Goal(s). Delve into our branding resources and get posting!

Step 5: Contribute & Partner Up

No company is an island. Partnerships are essential to achieving the Goals and there are SO MANY amazing organizations and initiatives out there to help you on your way. Scroll down to see a few of them…

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